Disability Alliance BC (DABC) is the sponsoring organization for the Right Fit, and oversees the Right Fit Program. The Individualized Funding Resource Centre (IFRC) is responsible for client management.
Since 1977, Disability Alliance BC has been a provincial, cross-disability voice in British Columbia. It was founded by people with disabilities and only people with disabilities may vote or serve on the Board of Directors. DABC’s mission is to support people with all disabilities to live with dignity, independence and as equal and full participants in the community. DABC champions issues impacting the lives of people with disabilities through direct services, community partnerships, advocacy, research and publications.
The Individualized Funding Resource Centre was created by people with disabilities who had developed skill in planning and managing their own personal supports. The founders of IFRC are committed to transferring skill and knowledge through peer-to-peer learning and experience. IFRC specializes in personal support planning and advocacy, and provides information, support, and training so that people with disabilities can achieve their goals while maintaining freedom and self-determination.
The Right Fit is governed by a multi-partner Steering Committee that brings executive level expertise from governmental and non-governmental organizations to the strategic planning and management of the Right Fit. The Steering Committee provides real time problem solving and continuous quality improvement to eliminate or prevent barriers to timely access for wheelchair users to accessible, affordable housing. The Steering Committee includes representatives from BC Housing, the City of Vancouver, the Fraser Health and the Vancouver Coastal Health Authorities, the Ministry of Social Development & Poverty Reduction, Spinal Cord BC, and Vancouver Resource Society.