BC Housing Non-Registry Units & Co-operative Housing Federation of B.C. (CHF-BC)
We recommend applying to all buildings in the area you would like to live. Please see below for links to BC Housing and CHF-BC where you can create a specific search for the area based on exactly what you require:
You will be able to filter through the cities and your criteria, after which you can view availability and contact the various housing providers to request an application for their building.
We can assist with reviewing and providing feedback on housing applications before you submit them.
BC Housing Application
Below is the link for the online application to BC Housing:
New applicants can apply either online or by paper. If you have applied previously then you can only reapply by paper. Please note Supplemental Applications are only available in paper form.
When applying online, the last step for the applicant is to print the Declaration, sign it and mail it to The Housing Registry along with the supporting documents. If you do not have access to a printer, you have an option to request BC Housing to mail the Declaration to you to sign and return. Once the signed Declaration is received by BC Housing they will be able to access and process the application.
BC Housing’s service level on all applications is to process them in 10 business days from receipt. The date the signed Declaration is received is received is the date used for the application start date.
Accessible Market Value Rentals
Below is a list of websites where available rental housing that offer wheelchair accessible units are frequently posted. *Please note, some housing providers do not know that their unit is accessible and so you may consider removing your search filters while performing your search*
- Under the Housing category, select “Apts / Housing” and filter “Wheelchair Access”
- *Craigslist has the biggest database of wheelchair accessible units
- Use the keyword “Accessible”
Accessible Housing BC
- These are the SCI accessible housing listings
- Use the keyword “Accessible”
- Click on “Advanced Search” then select “Wheelchair Access and or Ground Level Suite”
- Click on “See All Filters” then click “Show All Amenities” and mark off “Wheelchair Accessible”
- Enter city of choice and number of bedrooms required, click search. Narrow the search by clicking “More Filters” scroll to the bottom and use the keyword “Accessible”