Q: What is the Right Fit?
A: RFP is a multi-partnered effort to address systemic challenges in matching affordable, wheelchair accessible homes and independent living support services in Metro Vancouver, with people who need them.
Q: Who is involved in this program?
A: The Right Fit is led by Disability Alliance BC (DABC) in partnership with the Individualized Funding Resource Centre (IFRC) Society, BC Housing, Spinal Cord Injury, Vancouver Resource Society, City of Vancouver, Fraser Health Authority, Vancouver Coastal Health Authority and the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction.
Q: What are the eligibility criteria for interested applicants?
A: Applicants must be power or manual indoor wheelchair users (i.e. using a wheelchair for in home mobility) who need fully wheelchair accessible housing. Applicants must be currently living in the Vancouver Coastal Health or Fraser Health Regions, seeking accessible housing within Metro Vancouver.
There are no age restrictions, and you are not required to be approved for provincial PersonswithDisabilities (PWD)benefits.You are not required to have a current application for wheelchair accessiblesubsidized housing with BC Housing; however, we strongly encourage you to considerdoing so, because you must meet BC Housing’s income and eligibility criteria to qualify for subsidized housing.
Q: How is the program funded?
A: The project is generously funded by thefederal Reaching Home Homelessness Initiative, the City of Vancouver’s Renter Office Grant program and BC Housing.
Q: Does your service come with a fee?
A: No, there are no fees for either our clients or housing providers.
Q: How does this help wheelchair users who need affordable housing?
A: Case management (Navigator) support helps to better match needs with available housing and supports and ease the transition process for indoor wheelchair users moving to a new home. Working directly with participants will also help us identify systemic barriers so that we can address changes and improvements. Supports offered through RFP may also reduce the risks of missing potential housing opportunities due to delays in securing additional supports.
Q: Will participating in the Right Fit help an applicant be housed faster?
A: No. The Right Fit is not an emergency housing program, nor will it allow you to bypass the BC Housing wait list. Our navigators will provide resources and assist clients to clearly identify their needs and priorities. Navigators will also provide support through the application and transition process once a suitable housing match is identified.
Q: What kind of housing will be available through the program?
A: We work with non-profit members of The Housing Registry who have a financial relationship with BC Housing and who provide subsidized, accessible housing in the Metro Vancouver region. The list includes family housing, single units, co-ops, private and independent housing providers, and some specialized housing providers. It does not include supportive housing, care homes or assisted living, as the focus is on indoor wheelchair users who can live independently with home supports.
Q: What will happen once I contact a navigator?
A: Navigators will schedule intake meetings, usually by telephone or Zoom, to confirm eligibility, clarify housing needs and ensure the applicant has all the necessary documents to access subsidized housing and support services. If a potential housing match is identified, navigators will reconnect with the applicant to ensure they are still interested and ensure all documents are up to date. They will help with applications for health services or equipment and work with the applicant, housing and service providers to facilitate the process of providing independent living supports.
Q: What supports and equipment does this cover?
A: Our navigators will help Right Fit participants apply for, or transfer, Home Support services funded through the Vancouver Coastal and Fraser Health Authorities, including access to the Choice in Supports for Independent Living (CSIL) program. They will also help arrange Occupational Therapist assessments for medical equipment and assistive devices from the Ministry for Social Development & Poverty Reduction (e.g. bathing & toileting aids, hospital beds, pressure relief mattress and/or floor or ceiling lifting devices, based on Ministry eligibility and the individual’s assessed need).
Q: If I live in the Okanagan or on Vancouver Island and want to move to an accessible home in Metro Vancouver, can I register for the Right Fit?
A: Currently the Right Fit is limited to wheelchair users who reside in the metro Vancouver area and want to move to an accessible home in the metro Vancouver area.
Q: How do I apply?
A: Reach out to our navigation team at the Individualized Funding Resource Centre Society at RightFit@IFRCSociety.org or 604-777-7576.