The Right Fit Project makes it easier for wheelchair users to access housing that’s the Right Fit for them by utilizing our integrated case management model to help applicants locate the right home and supports for independent living.

A Peer Support Network, Education and various tools have been developed to assist clients through the home search and transition process. We are here to assist clients with the entire process from start to finish, including locating wheelchair accessible vacancies, reviewing and submitting housing applications and supporting documents to housing providers.

We also provide our clients with assistance to attend interviews and view units with Housing Providers and can attend with them if required. For those clients requiring medical equipment and/or home support we utilize our fast tracking process.

Interested applicants can apply to join the project by calling or emailing one of our Navigators at (604) 777-7576 or

A Navigator will determine your eligibility and schedule a time for our-over-the-phone/Zoom Right Fit intake. Our intakes are completed over the phone/Zoom so we can connect with the client and discuss their situation in more detail. This also helps us to establish a relationship between the Navigator and the client, because do not want people to feel like they are just another person in the system.

The Right Fit Project’s mission is to connect wheelchair users with accessible housing and with the resources they require to live successfully and independently in the community.