Q: What are the benefits for participating housing providers?
A: Our navigators will help participating housing providers successfully match accessible unit vacancies with wheelchair users who are a good match; ensuring that the region’s limited accessible housing stock is effectively utilized by those who need it. By helping applicants secure the right home and independent living supports, navigators will also help ensure a successful and stable new tenancy. Navigators are available to assist with finding tenants who fit the criteria set by the housing provider. BC Housing may also provide financial assistance to help eligible providers reserve vacancies for Right Fit participants who are the right fit.
Q: How can this project help me?
A: We have a database of over 100 wheelchair users who are in need of accessible housing. Each client has different requirements and based on what your unit has to offer, we work to make the connection a Right Fit for both yourself and the applicant.
Q: Does your service come with a fee?
A: No, we do not charge either our clients or housing providers who are participating. A thorough intake is completed with all of our clients and an Accessibility Checklist with housing providers is also completed wherever possible. We start with what the vacancy has to offer and review our database to determine, based on client needs, who would be most suitable for your vacancy.
Q: How long does it take for the project to locate a suitable applicant for my vacancy?
A: Times may vary, depending on the applicants needs, but we work diligently to provide applications back to the provider as soon as possible.
Q: How do you know my vacancy will work for your clients?
A: We complete a thorough intake with all of our clients and we also complete our Accessibility Checklist with housing providers wherever possible. When we identify what the vacancy offers we will go review client’s and their needs in our database to determine who would be most suitable for your vacancy.
Q: How do eligible housing providers arrange to have their costs covered for reserving a unit?
A: BC Housing only offers financial incentives to housing providers with whom they have a financial relationship, to help them reserve available units for additional time while applicants arrange the necessary home supports to move in. Eligible housing providers will work with our navigators to arrange for the required BC Housing subsidies once a suitable RFP participant match has been identified.
Q: Where are your applicants coming from?
A: All of our clients are people living in the Lower Mainland of B.C. who wish to remain living in the region. This includes people living in facilities, inaccessible housing, and shelters.
Q: What demographics do you serve?
A: Our only mandates for the project are that applicants be indoor wheelchair users who require fully accessible housing and are residing, and looking for housing, in the lower mainland. We serve all who fall under this scope.
Q: Are all of your clients independent?
A: We work with all of our clients to determine what is required for them to live independently in their new home and if there are, for example, requirements such as medical equipment or home support, we assist with the process of obtaining them through our fast tracking system that has been developed exclusively for our project.
Q: Do I have to take the candidate you put forward?
A: We supply suitable candidates but the provider retains full control over tenant selection for their property.
Q: What kind of properties are you looking for?
A: All accessible housing including subsidized, BC housing registry and market rate.
Q: How much notice do you need to find someone?
A: As soon as you know about the unit becoming available, please get in touch. We have a database of over 100 clients currently looking for housing, but if they are not suitable candidates, we advertise your listing on multiple platforms to give full exposure.
Q: Are there plans to expand beyond Metro Vancouver?
A: Currently the RFP is limited to indoor wheelchair users who want to move within the Metro Vancouver region. However, we hope that lessons learned, and recommendations will have province-wide relevance and future application.
Q: What do I do if I have an accessible unit or know of one?
A: Please contact the Right Fit Accessible Housing Coordinator: housing@disabilityalliancebc.org